Friday, April 30, 2010


Today ill tell you a little about the polluted waters and what it is doing to the world.

Well these days people are just waisting there fresh water thinking they have it all. But the truth is we are letting it all flow away. The water in Bolivia is so polluted that over 1000 people die, due to poor water quality. This has had a great impact on the world . There is one chemical that was invented by the Swedish people, called. Atrazine. This chemical has polluted almost all of Bolivia's water.

The stupid thing is that the water industries are trying to get money from these dirt poor countries. And are nearly going to war with them about there water situation. They need to purify there water but the water purifying pills cost money and they don't have that. Poverty has played a big role on this situation. And the industries don't see this and the Bolivian people are getting mad.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Water Wizard

Its melting away its wasting away i need it, there's no doubt about it.

Well the water is melting but we are still using it, the water that is in the ground is being pumped and used to. There is a limit to are water and we need it to water our crops, build homes and pretty much any thing else, you use water for every thing, and allot of it.

Its all we got its all that's it.

I feel this quote is telling us that we are wasting are water. But still using it to are needs. The water is all around us but only some is fresh. We use the fresh for drinking and watering. The fresh water is being used so fast by people that don't really think there is a limit to our fresh water. But for the people that are conserving there water it dose make a difference.

Every drop counts

Every drop counts, people need to start realizing that to. And the changes they can make, they can help conserve water in so many different ways and, double are amount of water time. The people that are wasting are the ones who take hour showers leave the tap on when brushing there teeth. these are all signs of wasting water and it can be stopped by a little bit of effort.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Ocean Currents

I'm going to tell you about the gulf stream current.
This current is caused by winds. The wind dose this by the friction created by the wind, blowing over the water.

There are 2 currents here called, the North Atlantic and and gulf stream. The north Atlantic current is deeper this is caused by the thermohline circulation, resulting from the density differences in the water.

My question is how dose the thermohline circulation made, like how dose it work and why dose it happen.

the power of currents is used by hydro dams to make electricity. when the water goes through the turbine it powers the generator and creates energy.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Oceans Currents

The ocean is always moving. It moves because of a current. The current is under and on the surface of the water. currents move in specific direction, the tides are a good example the come in and go out.

There are different names of currents, Humboldt, which is in the pacific, Gulf steqm and Labrador, are in the Atlantic Ocean. these are the major currents of the world.

Surface currents are those that are found in the upper 400M of the ocean. these currents make up 10% of the oceans water. Went wind is moving in the opposite way of the current it will make the water start spinning in the swirl.

Deep water currnets are found beneath 400M the water beneath that creats the other 90% of the oceans water. The deep water currnets are caused by the gravity and dencity of the water.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Immune Systems Army

The immune system has many different defence parts. One of the ways it gets ready is, having an antigen with a matching receptor as the Killer-T cell. When these 2 connect the multiply, creating a larger team. Here is a way that the good destroys the bad, the Killer-T cell connects with the enemy and sends harmful chemicals into it, and these neutralize it so it is dead. Anther way they multiply is by the antigens colliding with a Phagocyte and they produce more Killer-T cells or Memory cells. The memory cells stay and defend the second wave of the same invasion.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mitochondrion and Chloroplast

this is a Photo of the mitochondria this is the power house of the cell it creates energy

this is a Photo of the chloroplast this is the part of the cell that creates the glucose

The Mitochondrion and


These two organelles are found in many different cells. But chloroplast is only found in photosynthesis. The chloroplast is the reason plants are called self feeders, because they feed and create glucose.

The mitochondrion feeds from the glucose and creates energy called ATP. These organelles use each other in efficient ways to survive and create energy.

This is one of the most efficient combinations of organelles found because they only use as much energy as needed and still uses enough energy that it is high power.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Before microscopes were invented disease was caused by spirits. When they were finally invented it brought a whole new world to the people. it allowed them to see living organisms. There was a man named Anton Van Leewenhook, he was the first man to look at water under a microscope. There are many different microscopes one was a compound scope, it used many lenses to magnify up to 1500 times. All organisms are made of one or more cells. the first electronic microscope was invented in the 1940s. later on there came many more microscopes and that was a great thing for the studies of cells and organisms, some of these scopes were able to magnify up to 500 000 times.