Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Water Wizard

Its melting away its wasting away i need it, there's no doubt about it.

Well the water is melting but we are still using it, the water that is in the ground is being pumped and used to. There is a limit to are water and we need it to water our crops, build homes and pretty much any thing else, you use water for every thing, and allot of it.

Its all we got its all that's it.

I feel this quote is telling us that we are wasting are water. But still using it to are needs. The water is all around us but only some is fresh. We use the fresh for drinking and watering. The fresh water is being used so fast by people that don't really think there is a limit to our fresh water. But for the people that are conserving there water it dose make a difference.

Every drop counts

Every drop counts, people need to start realizing that to. And the changes they can make, they can help conserve water in so many different ways and, double are amount of water time. The people that are wasting are the ones who take hour showers leave the tap on when brushing there teeth. these are all signs of wasting water and it can be stopped by a little bit of effort.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,misha I thought that you used the qoutes well. I like how you personalized alot of the blog. you spelled some words wrong but otherwise its pretty good!
